Grigri belay device belongs to the group of so called semi-automatic belay devices. The braking effect of the rope is in certain situations performed by a mechanism which the device has built in. In case of Grigri it is camming mechanism that moves when there is a strong pull on the rope leading from the device toward the climber and press the rope against the opposite metal surface. Pressed rope is thus prevented from moving. Blocking of the rope can belayer release by control trigger. Pull of the trigger swerves the cam and the rope is released to move. Belayer must hold dead part of the rope under the Grigri in his/her hand during the release of the trigger. Grigri belay device is intended for belaying with single rope. Belaying with Grigri has character of static protection, i.e. dynamic absorption by slipping of the rope in the belay device is minimal to none. When arresting a fall of fall factor f = 1 with Grigri the impact force reaches a value from about 4 to 5.5 kN. Therefore, thanks to its properties is Grigri suitable for use on cultivated rocks with intermediate points of protection made of glue-in anchors or for the use on artificial walls. With Grigri can be belayed both leaders and seconding climbers (both “from the harness” and from the top rope belay), and of course with belay device is possible to rappel. Rappelling is possible only on one strand of the rope.
Semi-automatic feature gives the impression that Grigri can do a lot of work instead of us, namely that it will save us in case of momentary inattention of the belayer by ”self-blocking” of the rope. Thanks to this feature the Grigri is often perceived as a belay device suitable for beginners. You may not be mistaken more! The use of Grigri requires considerable amount of concentration and mastery of unusual hand manoeuvres. In order to get all the advantages of this belay device the belayer must be proficient in its use. Only in the hands of experts it is transformed into a powerful tool that delivers efficiency and comfort. On the contrary, in the hands of a beginner, who unexpectedly lays his/her hand on it, may cause disaster. We are warned by many serious accidents!
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