This textbook has been compiled for conditions in Europe, specifically the Czech Republic, but that does not in any way limit its use. Aside from certain local specifics, such as the telephone numbers of rescue services and relevant local legislation, the contents of the textbook are usable for anyone in the world who is interested in mountaineering in common rock terrain or in mountains 5,000 meters above sea level.

This extensive work would not have been possible without the help of a number of other people and partners. When photographing images and recording video we cooperated with certain members of the Sakal Mountaineering Club, namely Jan Peřina, Jan Řasa, Radovan Řasa, Pavel Ptáček, Ondřej Řípa, Martin Rusina, Jindřiška Walderová and Petr Walder; of the members of other clubs and other mountaineers it is necessary to recognise by name Martin Bílý, Jan Růžička, Štěpán Mikeš and Aleš Novák. After the first texts were created, at that time still intended for the Mountaineering Methodology website, Jan Řasa helped improve them from the beginning with his first detailed comments. Another significant influence on the contents was provided by Tomáš Frank, with whom the author of Mountaineering Methodology met in an author’s collective for a different work, the classic print textbook Horolezecká abeceda (“The Mountaineering Alphabet”). During work on this book another improvement of the texts ensured, certain of which are used here in Mountaineering Methodology as well. Other advice on the text was also offered by Petr Jandík, who also provided certain historic photographs. Other historic photographs were provided by Václav Širl, to whom is also owed great thanks. Marek Meduna and Jan Růžička helped with the processing of certain images in graphic editors.